The Flash Feast

Hello, Friend

Welcome to this little slice of website about yours truly.

My name is GP but everyone knows me by Gramps. I have lived in a few big cities like Seattle, WA and Austin, TX before finally settling down on a little farm. Over the last thirty years I have made it a point to work in a variety of different fields and jobs; though for the most recent fifteen years has been focused on tech and video games. I also like to donate time to cool stuff where I can.

Some Things I Can Do / Have Done

A jack of all trades, master of none; I've picked up a few useful skills along the way, or at least I'd like to think I have. These are just some of them but there are quite a bit more.

  • Software / Hardware Development
  • Game Design
  • Web Design / Back-end
  • Drawing and Design
  • Butchery and Food Production
  • Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Audio Digitization
  • Security Work
  • Law Studies
  • Food Service / Cooking

Resume can be produced on demand as well as art portfolios. Always interested in cool and new opportunities.

Some Stuff

The programming, art, and what-not I dabble in occasionally becomes a public thing. Sometimes. Here are some of the things I've made or worked on with other folks.



An open-source and fully functional Steamworks SDK / API module and plug-in for the Godot Game Engine.

Art Stuff

Art? Art!

A portfolio-ish of art I do. Mostly posters for friends but also assets for projects. And, naturally, the random doodle here or there.

Gramps Games

Prototype Games

A few prototype games I occasionally work on. They may or may not eventually grow up to be real, released projects.

More Soon

There is more content I plan on adding soon enough: various game and non-game projects, recipes, etc. So feel free to visit back at a later time or reach out!